Enjoy This Month’s Scoop And Learn About Exciting Events Happening Around Toronto’s Waterfront.
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In This Issue

The month of “Movember” is an annual month-long event held in order to raise awareness of men’s health issues, such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and men’s suicide.
The Rostie Group encourages all “Mo Bros” to get involved by growing out their facial hair, whatever shape it may take, to show solidarity and awareness of these issue.

We encourage all men to sit down and have a discussion about their family’s health history and to schedule a check up with their doctor. Just like a car that needs regular maintenance, so too does your body need a routine check up every 5000KM.

If you’re an independent recruiter you know the challenges of the industry – finding clients, finding candidates – let-alone over-coming “head-hunter” stereotypes.
It’s a challenging job and your focus is on filling your roles.
The biggest drawback, in my view, is the lack of professional meeting space – coffee shops just don’t cut it – and trying to be your own receptionist and meeting coordinator.
There are also ongoing administrative aspects to your job that require your attention.
You have to organize your books, make sure you have insurance, maintain your office, remember your lease, and even something as simple as getting chairs and tables.
None of these things on their own make you money, but they still have to be considered for the health of your business. More importantly, however, they take your focus away from where it needs to be.
If you’re feeling the stress of your home-based career you may want to consider starting a virtual package with Virtual Business Offices.
As a virtual tenant you will be able to provide your clients and candidates with a prestigious Bay Street address in Toronto’s business district, have access to meeting space and have your calls answered by a live receptionist – they’ll even take your messages and pass them along, so you don’t miss any opportunities!

Our services extend to bank runs, plane and hotel reservations and, calling a taxi or limo to pick up your clients, and if you’re meeting them at our facility, full catering which can be ordered through our online portal.
Please give us a call or visit our website (www.rostiegroup.com) to find out how we can help you succeed.
by: Pamela Inglis
Manager Recruiting/Senior Consultant
In the last issue of The Scoop we ran a Coffee Tasting in our office to ensure that the coffee we served our Rostie Community was the best we could get. And we were very pleased with the results. Donut Shop, our favourite, won.
However, that was’t quite enough, and we opened it up to everyone on the floor. We had you vote on your preferred coffee blend in a blind taste test. 2 dark roasts, 2 light roasts, and a medium roast.
The first day, we had a 3-way tie. And so, we went ahead with a second day of testing. And finally found a winner: Empire French Reserve will be served over our previous blend Donut Shop. Which we’re proud to say was a close second.
But don’t worry. We plan on rotating our blends, and Donut Shop will be making a return.

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We all know one of the toughest parts about running any sort of training business, is finding reliable hosting partners.
For the most part, like any other event that is being planned, securing the proper venue is always the first and most crucial step in planning a training workshop. The venue will further determine the date, availability, how many attendees can register, room layout, set up time and A/V that is incorporated.

One must consider a multitude of different options such as price, availability, or location when selecting the proper space as every training workshop is unique in its requirements.
Price always seems to be the main determining factor; after all, you get what you pay for, right? Humans naturally associate the highest priced items with the best quality. However, price may not always have the biggest impact on the quality of service you receive and deliver.
Sometimes price can be based simply on cost of operating. A venue that is located in the heart of the city, close to all of the amenities, has the best technology, and operates on the weekends, may offer a smaller space. However, because of the pricy real estate market, they may be charging the most for their space. The location may be exactly what you are looking for, however this may not be ideal for a company looking to maximize the number of people who are able to attend.
At the same time, some venues offer prices that present a more economically responsible outcome for training companies. Of course, this sounds perfect. Who doesn’t want the cheaper option?
If this is the case, expect sacrifices to be made. Maybe you can’t offer catering services to your attendees or are locating the training far from the public transit line. Perhaps they even ask that you bring in your own technology. These types of sacrifices may be the difference in garnering registration for the training workshop. However, if you are trying to maximize your bottom line, this may be the best option for you.
When securing your venue, it’s important to outline what the key components are to your success. If it’s maximizing the number of people you have, perhaps the less-costly venue outside of the heart of the city works best for you. If it’s providing the most up to date technology and favourable location, perhaps the more expensive niche facility works best for you.
The Rostie Group presents the best of both worlds. Take advantage of fully serviced training rooms with free Wi-Fi, superior tech-support, unique catering options, video conferencing, customizable furnishings, built-in presentation equipment, soundproof walls, courtesy telephones, data networking connections and much more…all for an affordable price.
First impressions only come around once. In the day and age of massive selection, making sure that you leave a memorable experience will, always put you ahead of your competition.
by: Tyler Blackwell
Community Manager
416-214-1840 ext. 11363
A design competition was launched in February 2018 to develop proposals for the two parks that would respond to the pressing issues of a growing city and a busy waterfront district, while serving the diverse needs of local residents, office workers and visitors.
More than 40 design teams from 18 cities world-wide submitted proposals during the pre-qualification stage of the competition.
In May 2018, five teams were shortlisted for each park and invited to participate in the design competition, which included an intensive six-week design exercise
to develop conceptual proposals.
Communication and engagement with the public was a key part of the competition.
A Stakeholder Advisory Committee comprised of local residents, businesses and neighbourhood groups met at key points during the competition to provide advice and feedback to the project team and the jury.
In July 2018, all ten design proposals were put on public exhibition at Toronto City Hall and online, giving Torontonians an opportunity to review the proposal’s and provide feedback.
Following the public feedback period, public comments were summarized in a Public Feedback Report that was delivered to the competition jury for consideration, along with reports from the Stakeholder Advisory Committee and Technical Advisory Committee.
On October 9th, the winning design submissions were announced.
Love Park by Claude Cormier et Associés has been selected for York Street Park, and Rees Ridge by wHY Architecture and Brook Mcllroy has been selected for Rees Street Park.
An artist rendering of Love Park, by Claude Cormier et Associés (Montreal)

The goal of the design competition was to solicit bold plans for the two parks from leading international design firms that would integrate with the existing vibrant public spaces along Toronto’s
The jury unanimously selected Love Park as the winning design for York Street Park. The jury appreciated the simple and timeless nature of the design and agreed that its natural elements and elegant forms created a contemporary and inviting space for visitors. The classic approach to this design, with a central water feature and lush perimeter, makes the spaces appealing for both winter and summer uses. It also creates beautiful aerial views from the surrounding office and residential towers,
along with excellent opportunities to exhibit public art throughout the space.
Similarly, Rees Ridge was unanimously selected as the winning design for Rees Street Park. The jury was impressed with its bold and thoughtful design, which includes a large ridge that changes the relationship of the waterfront to the downtown. The team’s multi-functional design allows for year-round activity and includes exciting potential for future programming and events that will meet the needs of local residents.
This design also creates many opportunities for flexible art integration.
Members of the jury included Michael Van Valkenburgh, Principal, Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates
(Chair of the Jury); Neil Hrushowky, Principal Urban Designer, City and County of San Francisco; Jane Hutton, Assistant Professor, University of Waterloo; Matthew Hyland, Director/Curator of Oakville
Galleries; Janna Levitt, Principal, LGA Architectural Partners.
Construction of York Street Park is expected to commence in 2019 with a budget of approximately $7 million.
Construction of Rees Street Park expected to commence in 2020 with a budget of approximately $10 million.
source: Waterfront Toronto
An artist rendering of Rees Ridge, by wHY Architecture (New York) + Brook McIlroy (Toronto)

Alan Haines
Director of IT and Operations – ODYSSEY Services
Where is the most interesting place you’ve been?
Peru – Machu Picchu
If you had to eat one thing for every meal for the rest of your life, what would you eat?
Swiss Chalet – Fries and Swiss Chalet Sauce
What is something that you think everyone should do at least once in their lives?
Bear Offspring – Have Kids
What song would you sing on karaoke night?
“Sweet Caroline” – Neil Diamond, “Don’t stop Believin” – Journey, “Piano Man” Billy Joel (If we’re talking Piano Bar!)
If you could have dinner with any three people, past or present, who would they be?
Hmmmmmmm (FYI: I don’t live in the past) – Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Connelly, Katy Perry – Close follow-ups: Morgan Freeman, Sean Connery, Christopher Wallace, John Ritter.
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