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Why you Should Rent Your Meeting Space
It’s a fact of life (or a fact of business) that you’ll eventually have to have meetings. One-on-One, group meetings, team meetings, etc. You name them, they’ll have to meet at some point. Have you considered renting that meeting space?
So when you’re finding a space for those meetings to occur, it is often a corner of the office somewhere, where everyone has to bring their chairs and scoot over. Just making what might already be an uncomfortable space, even more so.
Maybe you’re one of the lucky ones that has their own proper meeting space. But of course, owning space is very different from renting it.
For one, you have to maintain it. It can be costly to maintain a meeting room up to standard. Of course when it’s just your team, a little mess can be expected; some markers laying around, a used whiteboard, some leftover snacks.
But then if you want to bring a new client into that space, you’ll have to make sure it’s all clean and tidy. And your staff, as great as they may be, are busy making sure the business runs. They don’t have time to clean up every speck of dirt. Which then means you need to hire a cleaning crew, or extend the current crew’s service into the meeting room. But that brings potential reservations over confidential information…
And that isn’t even mentioning the cost of maintenance. What if the chairs break? Or the meeting table is damaged? The TV on the wall starts displaying static?
It’s just a whole cycle of never ending issues.
And of course, think about the opportunity cost. Space is expensive, especially in large cities. You already pay a significant amount for rent, and having enough space for your employees to actually do

their job, do you really want to have to worry about paying rent for a room that will be sitting empty most of the time?
Unless your meeting space is doubling as your break room (which it really shouldn’t be), then it’s actual wasted space, and wasted money.
For those who are looking to cut some costs on their rent, and have a top notch, clean, and well stocked room, you should consider renting your meeting space from The Rostie Group. Free Wi-Fi, full technical support, videoconferencing, and delicious catering are all available.
Getting to Know You

Carmica Jean Marcelo
(Communications Specialist, RBC – Cloud Adoption)
Academic Background: Communications Culture and Information Technology at University of Toronto, Digital Communications at Sheridan College
Interests: Yoga, Hitting up the dance studio, Brunching, Sitting on the Patio on a beautiful Sunny Day, Traveling
When I was 5 I wanted to be… a pop star and sing and dance my little heart out
If I could have a superpower it would be… teleportation so I could travel the world at any given time
If I could have dinner with anyone, past or present it would be… Victoria Beckham
Do Extra-Curricular Activities Really Matter on your Resume?
The answer is a resounding “YES!”
And I’m not just referring to new grads. Obviously employers are looking for candidates to fill their roles – candidates with the right background and experience. What job seekers sometimes forget is that they’re also looking for well-rounded, engaged employees – and if an employee takes the time to volunteer, run marathons or simple expand their horizons, they’re more likely to become involved active participants in their organization.
I’m not saying that it’s your extra-curricular activities that will nail the job, but it may sway things in your favour. For instance, if you coach little-league or you’re a developer that teaches code to under-privileged children, you’re likely a team player that encourages others and would perhaps be open to future leadership responsibilities within your organization.
It doesn’t really matter what your interests are – well, within reason (!) – but having an active, engaged life outside of work can say a lot about what your engagement level will be with your new employer.
by Pamela Inglis
Manager Recruiting/Senior Consultant
A Brief History of Pride Toronto
After the words of Pierre Trudeau in 1967 stating that “the state has no place in the bedrooms of the nation”, Toronto activists started to organize the city’s first celebrations of gay culture.
Now in 2018, we have an entire month dedicated to celebrating the LGBTTQQIAAP/LGBTQQIP2SAA community.
It all began in 1971 when the Community of Homophile Association of Toronto (CHAT) and Toronto Gay Action gathered at Hanlan’s point with 300 plus attendees to host a picnic to unite the queer community. This one gathering grew annually, and in 1974 it became Toronto’s first ‘Pride Week’ with a march down Queen Street in support of Gay Rights.
Despite all of this, the gay community of Toronto was still viewed with suspicion.
On February 5th, 1981 ‘Operation Soap’ was carried out where Metro Toronto Police raided a series of bathhouses in the Church and Wellesley area (now known as the ‘Gay Village’ and arrested 306 people.
It was nearly 10 years later in 1991 that the City of Toronto made Pride Week an official event. In 1994, 50,000 marched during Pride Week wrapped in pink ribbon to form a human chain around the legislative assembly to protest the defeat of Bill 197, which would have provided the LGBTQ+ community with most of the same rights as same-sec couples, the largest LGBTQ+ political march in Canadian History.
20 years later, Toronto hosted WorldPride 2014 after winning 78% of the vote at the 28th Annual conference of InterPride. The 2014 Pride festivities saw the three marches we all know – the Trans march, the Dyke march, and the WorldPride Parade, with the Trans march and the Dyke march being the most political of the three.
All three marches are the longest of their kind in Canadian history with over 12,000 people registered to march in the WorldPride parade and over 280 floats in a parade, which lasted over five hours, making it one of the longest parades in Canadian history. The festivities were capped off when a rainbow graced the skies of Toronto.
What once began as a picnic on Hanlan’s point with 300 plus attendees is now a month long celebration of the LGBTQ+ community, shared worldwide as Pride Month,
culminating for Toronto with the annual Pride Parade. The procession will begin at 2PM at the corner of Bloor and Church, and makes its way down Yonge to the stage at Dundas Square on June 24th.
The parade coincides with the PRIDE Toronto Street Fair which takes over Church Street from Carlton Street to Dundas Street from June 22nd to 24th.
The festival guide for #prideTO is available on pridetoronto.com and details the events being held month long, culminating in the Pride Festival June 22nd-24th 2018.
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What’s Happening in Toronto this June and July
Pedestrian Sundays
June 24th, July 29th, 12pm – 7pm,
Kensington Market
PRIDE Toronto Street Fair 2018
& Toronto Pride Parade 2018
June 22-24
Church-Wellesley Village
Redpath Waterfront Festival 2018
June 22nd – 24th
HTO Park
Canada Day Weekend
June 29th – July 2nd
Harbourfront Centre
Caesar Fest 2018
July 22nd
225 Richmond St. West
Toronto Outdoor Picture Show
July 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th at 7 PM
Corktown Common Park
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